Apple Pie
Remember to read the notes and hints in Quick Basic Vanilla
1 pint half-and-half
1 pint heavy whipping cream
1/2 gallon whole milk
2 cups apple sauce
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
15 to 20 lbs ice
2 cups rock salt
- Place half-and-half and heavy whipping cream in freezer can
- Add sugar, apple sauce and cinnamon and stir until disolved
- Add whole milk until the level reaches the fill line (*)
- Add paddle, top with lid and place in mixer
- Alternate ice and rock salt until area around can is filled to the top
- Plug in mixer
- Check every 15 minutes to add more ice and salt as the ice melts (**)
- (*) I sometimes like to fill to an inch below the fill line so that the mixer doesn't have to work quite as hard and hopefully stop when the ice cream is a bit thicker... this practice can save on the manufacturer's recommended "pack time". This extra space sometimes also causes the cream in the ice cream to whip adding a bit more air, helping the ice cream stay soft when left-overs are frozen.
- (**) Watch for the "floating ice" syndrome... you'll think you have enough ice in the mixer, but the ice is just floating on warm water :(. If this happens, either drain enough water off so that the ice packs all the way to the bottom or push new ice down forcing water to leave by the drain hole.